61-63 学分要求





迪克西·维斯塔,学术顾问 (电子邮件保护)


The clinical portion of the degree program is offered at area health care facilities (“clinical sites”). Clinical sites establish their own requirements for persons entering their facilities for educational purposes. Clinical sites may have established vaccination requirements, including vaccination for COVID-19. 和所有临床项目要求一样, the clinical site reserves the right to deny participation to any student who does not meet required clinical criteria and do not follow clinical site policies. Individual programs of study do not have the authority to secure clinical experience(s) for students who do not meet eligibility criteria. 参加临床实习的学生必须遵守实习地点的要求. 然而这些并不是大学的要求, failure to adhere to the clinical site requirements will result in ineligibility to complete the Nursing program.